
We arrange staying at Hotel Aston. The hotel is located in central Karlskrona close to all activities.
We have a great sponsor deal with this hotel, so it will be hard to find a better price.

If you want to book a room at hotel Aston, you book through this link. . If you need to contact the hotel it is best through e-mail: info@hotellaston , but you can also call Hotell Aston directly at +46 455 19470. The prices are including breakfast. Prices for part in double-, triple- or four bed room applys when all beds are reserved and awarded in subject to availibility. We will do our utmost to meet all wishes of course.


  • Single room 4200 Sek
  • Double room 1 person 4800 Sek
  • Part in double room 2700 Sek/pers
  • Part in three bed room 2200 Sek/pers
  • Part in four bed room 1950 Sek/pers

The prices apply for check-in on June 24th and check-out June 30th. You pay for the hotel week directly to BIBA, but if you need extra night/nights you book that in the form and pay directly to the hotel. They will, if you choose extra night/nights, contact you with prices and the information you need.

OBS! If you book with these prices it will not be possible to cancel your reservation later than 1 month before your staying. If you want the opportunity to cancel as late as 24 hours before your stay, the regular prices applies.

Click on the website down below for more information about the hotels: